About us

On 2nd of February - with a congenital heart defect in the form of the Common Arterial Trunk (TAC) (type IV - complete lack of the pulmonary artery) and Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) - our daughter, little Mary, was born.

Unfortunately apart from the heart defect she is a premature baby since she was born in 31 week of pregnancy, over 2 months ahead of schedule. She weighed 910 g then and was 37 cm long. A consequence of premature birth is also that she isn't able to breath on her own. From the begining she is connected to infant ventilator which is the cause of damaging her lungs

Doctors from the very beginning gave her no chances. However in spite of the heart defect and the premature birth and against medical diagnoses, and above all thanks to the prayer of many people, to whom life of our daughter isn't indifferent, she lives and she is very strong.

In spite of all these difficulties, we aren't giving up. We are being supported both by our family and friends, and also by strange people with open hearts. For all help – spiritual and financial – we thank you very, very much!

Each day of Mary's life you can follow by reading “Mary's Diary”